Martin's Publications.

Martin has contributed extensively to discussion papers, journal articles, is published and he’s reported widely on key social policy issues.

This publications archive allows you to search and explore the diverse topics of applied research and policy advice that Martin has been involved in over the past two decades.

Currently viewing: Research Report

Measuring Inequality: Autonomy The degree of empowerment in decisions about one’s own life With Tania Burchardt and Holly Holder.

London: Government Equalities Office - 2011

CPU Child Poverty Pilots: Interim Synthesis Report With Karen Gardiner.

Leeds: Corporate Document Services - 2011

Sanctions within conditional benefit systems A review of evidence With Julia Griggs.

York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation - 2010

Tackling Child Poverty when Parents Cannot Work With Lewis Williams.

York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation - 2008

The impact of benefit and tax up-rating on incomes and poverty With Holly Sutherland, Ruth Hancock, John Hills and Francesca Zantomio.

York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation - 2008

The Relationship Between Old Age and Poverty in Vietnam With Ian Gough, Susan Harkness, Andy McKay, Huyen Thanh Dao and Ngoc Do Le The.

Hanoi: UNDP - 2007

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Authored Work

A Generation of Change, a Lifetime of Difference: Social Policy in Britain since 1979.

Evans M and Williams L

“a truly original perspective demonstrating how social policy and taxation have profound effects on all of us at different points during our lives”

- Professor Jochen Clasen
Edinburgh University