About Martin Evans.

Martin Evans is neither a dry academic or a boring policy wonk. His wealth of knowledge on complex issues such as social exclusion, child poverty, neighbourhood deprivation, social protection systems in industrialised and developing economies; together with his technical experience in simulation and modelling is honed to engage with policy makers.

For well over twenty years Martin has been commissioned to research, review and advise on a wide range of social policy, for Governments (both home and abroad) and by academic and foundation funders.

Improving our understanding of problems and developing policies to address them, is the driving motivation behind his work on UK and International social policy intervention and reform. Martin never underestimates the importance of what he does. Not a ‘boffin’ either, his personable nature and integrity stems from his abilities to listen, understand and respond to complex policy issues affecting human wellbeing across the globe.

Martin’s professionalism and irrepressible good humour makes him a joy to work with. Our joint project on measuring autonomy was challenging intellectually and required great tact in managing political sensitivities; Martin excelled on both counts.

- Dr Tania Burchardt
London School of Economics

Currently a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Social Policy at Oxford University, and a Research Associate at the London School of Economics, Martin’s career since 1979, has taken many twists and turns. From teaching in Papa New Guinea to working in inner London law centres, through to academic research for organisations like the Joseph Rowntree Foundation exploring questions such as, ‘Can child poverty be eliminated in 2020 using current policies?’. Martin’s applied research and social policy knowledge has earned him international respect and an enviable reputation.

Martin’s publication record is prolific and he frequently speaks at international conferences as well as being called upon by the the likes of the European Commission, Nuffield Foundation, UK Government, ESRC, United Nations Agencies and OECD countries to work on some of the most important Social Policy issues facing the world today.

Currently Martin is focusing his work on developing countries in Asia and the Pacific region and elsewhere. If you’re interested in research or consultancy in this (or other areas), then Martin, together with his small team of close colleagues, would be delighted to advise you further.


Download a copy of Martin’s résumé below.

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Martin Evans résumé (extended) »

Photo of Martin Evans
