Martin's Publications.

Martin has contributed extensively to discussion papers, journal articles, is published and he’s reported widely on key social policy issues.

This publications archive allows you to search and explore the diverse topics of applied research and policy advice that Martin has been involved in over the past two decades.

Currently viewing: United Kingdom

Response and Prevention in the British Welfare State’ With Phil Agulnik and Tania Burchardt.

in J.Hills, J. LeGrand and D.Piachaud (eds) Understanding Social Exclusion. Oxford: Oxford University Press. - 2002

“Welfare to Work and the Organisation of Opportunity: European and American approaches from a British perspective”

Clasen J (ed) What Future for Social Security? Debates and Reforms in National and Cross-National Perspective. The Hague: Kluwer Law International. - 2001

Changing fortunes: geographic patterns of income deprivation in the late 1990s With Michael Noble, Chris Dibben and George Smith.

London: Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions, London - 2001

Britain: moving towards a work and opportunity-focused welfare state?

International Journal of Social Welfare, vol 10, n4 pp 260-266 - 2001

Towards Single Gateways? A cross-national review of the changing role of employment offices in seven countries? With Jochen Clasen, Gregg Duncan, Tony Eardley, Paulo Ughetto, Wim van Oorschot and Sharon Wright.

Zeitschrift für Internationales und auslaendisches Sozialrecht, 1, pp35- 50 - 2001

Means Testing and Poverty in 5 European Countries With Cathal O’Donoghue and Polly Vizard.

Atella V. (ed.) Le Politiche Sociali in Italia ed in Europa Coerenza e Convergenza nelle Azioni 1997-1999. Bologna: il Mulino. - 2000

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Authored Work

A Generation of Change, a Lifetime of Difference: Social Policy in Britain since 1979.

Evans M and Williams L

“a truly original perspective demonstrating how social policy and taxation have profound effects on all of us at different points during our lives”

- Professor Jochen Clasen
Edinburgh University