Nine Child Poverty Pilots

Martin’s report for the Child Poverty Unit on the Child Poverty Pilots has been published by the Department for Work and Pensions.  The Interim Synthesis Report outlines the approach of the Pilots and summarises emerging evidence from them.

Nine Child Poverty Pilots have been operating across England since 2008, with over a third of local authorities (LAs) involved with at least one of the initiatives. This report is an interim synthesis that focuses on early evidence from the pilots on their implementation and delivery.  It explores profile of pilot participants, how the pilots are developing tailored, innovative and localised solutions and summarises early indications of outcomes, experiences and perceptions of the pilot services.

The nine Child Poverty Pilots are testing a range of key challenges across:

  • adult skills
  • employment
  • childcare
  • family intervention
  • the take up of services and local delivery

They reflect a good geographical mix, covering inner city, rural, urban and suburban areas. They are also testing a range of delivery mechanisms that includes the use of the Voluntary and Community Sector.


“Martin is an outstanding scholar and researcher in the field of social security and broader social policy. He is concerned with both the theory and practice of policy and its potential contribution to social development. He has worked around the world and brings a rare breadth of understanding and wisdom.”

- Professor David Piachaud
London School of Economics